How To Connect To Your 2018 Ventura City Councilmembers

To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers.
—Louis L’Amour
Our federalist system gives us many opportunities to participate in our democracy. Some forms of participation are more common than others. And some citizens participate more than others, but almost everyone has a voice in government.
Meet Your 2018 City Councilmembers
We have a new Ventura City Council for 2018. We have one new Councilmember and six incumbents. Each of them has an email account with the city. Not everyone knows how to contact them, though.
Click On A Councilmembers Photo To Email
Below you’ll find the photos of our current City Council. Click on any Councilmember’s photo and you’ll open your email program ready to write directly to that Councilmember.
Let then know what you’re thinking. Tell them what they’re doing right and what they could improve upon. No matter what you write, however, share your opinion. Not participating in government makes us worse because our city government isn’t working for all of us.
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Do not vote to make us drink toilet/shower/sink/washing machine water, ever!!! If you want to add a new source of clean water to our portfolio, create a desalinization plant and get the sea water from far away from where you dump our treated sewage into the sea, but not on the bottom of the sea where contaminants congregate.In addition to a powerful RO system, also include any and all methods, including UV light to kill everything harmful to us in the end product. First, develop methods to detect any and all things with which re-purposed sea water might contaminate our drinking water supply before treating it. Sell the resulting salt to help finance the project.
On another topic, your raising the cost of fees necessary to get the homes rebuilt after the
Thomas Fire, is nothing short of despicable.
Donna, great comments. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I want to be sure you’re clear on something, though. You’re commenting on a blog post. The post itself is public but it isn’t a direct connection to the City Council. To address the Councilmembers, you have to click on the picture to get an email form. When you write in that email form, your comments go directly to that Councilmember. Let me know if you want more details.